July 5 – Daily Devotional

July 5 – Daily Devotional




Hebrews 12:15 “See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.”

The holy writer continues his exhortation to his Christian audience to be instruments of peace.  “See to it” is an encouragement to his readers/hearers to give a serious effort to be on the lookout for those who are in danger of falling away from their faith in Jesus or have already done so.  Not only are they to be diligent in their personal efforts to encourage those in danger of falling away but also to be observant looking for opportunities to be a leaven in their congregation to make sure that nothing occurs that creates bitterness and anger between members, causes any kind of trouble, and results in members abandoning their faith in Jesus.

Satan is on the prowl looking for opportunities to devour Christians. (1 Peter 5:8)  More often than not he goes about this task sowing seeds of dissention among the body of Christ (the Church.)  He knows his primary target are those who confess a faith in Jesus Christ, not those who are unbelievers.  Oh yes, he will continue to encourage unbelievers in their unbelief. He is a bold enemy of believers as he demonstrated in his temptations of Jesus recorded in Matthew 4.

You, as a believer in Jesus, are your brother’s keeper.  Keeping your eyes and ears open always on the lookout for brothers and sisters within the fellowship of believers is a way God uses you to encourage those who are manifesting a weak faith, wandering hearts, and even desertion from their confession of faith in Jesus.  Remember these words of Hebrews 10:24-25, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

You are loved by Jesus who “. . . guides (you) along the right paths for His name’s sake.”  (Psalm 23:3)  Jesus says that thieves will come in to steal, kill and destroy His sheep (believers). . . (He has)  come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”  (John 10:10)  He has chosen you and now sends you out to be His witness. (Acts 1:8)

Prayer:  Lord, give me a heart and bless my witness to the weak and the lost.  Amen.


Rise, shine, you people!  Christ the Lord has entered

Our human story; God in Him is centered.

He comes to us, by death and sin surrounded.

With grace unbounded.


See how He sends the pow’rs of evil reeling;

He brings us freedom, light and life and healing.

All men and women, who by guilt are driven,

Now are forgiven.


Come, celebrate, your banners high unfurling,

Your songs and prayers against the darkness hurling.

To all the world go out and tell the story

Of Jesus’ glory.


Tell how the Father sent His Son to save us.

Tell of the Son, who life and freedom gave us.

Tell how the Spirit calls from ev’ry nation

His new creatin.

(LSB 825)





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