20 Jan February 9th Daily Devotion
1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 “Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, to acknowledge those who work hard among you, who care for you in the Lord and who admonish you. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work.”
Titles and positions within the hierarchy of an organization or company is important in the American culture. Office doors can have a brass plate with the name of the person and title that occupies the desk behind them. Sometimes there is even a brass plate in a holder on their desk with their name and title.
Putting great value in a title is a bit foolish, isn’t it? Someone holding a title but unable to faithfully carry out the duties of the position they hold is valueless. It is because of what they do that they gain the respect and admiration of those with whom they work.
Such it is also in the church. Today’s devotional verse exhorts you to “ . . . acknowledge those who work hard among you, who care for you in the Lord and who admonish you. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work.”
It has been said often that a pastor does not have to preach the most eloquent sermons and teach memorable Bible classes if he faithfully serves his flock. Faithfully serves his flock means that the flock sees him “working hard among them.” He faithfully and compassionately ministers to the sick and dying. He empathetically listens to his members pour out their anguished hearts and lovingly applies the whole counsel of God’s word toward their need. He thinks of others before he thinks of himself. He models his ministry after that of Jesus who said, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve. . .” (Mark 10:45) He was not above taking a wash basin and towel and washing His disciples feet.
Brothers and sisters, members of the body of Christ, honor and respect your pastor not because of his title but because of the work that he does among you for the sake of your soul and to the glory of God.
Prayer: Thank You God for giving me my pastor(s) and for giving him (them) a servant heart to minister to my and my fellow believers faithfully. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
(A hymn prayer for pastors)
Send, O Lord, Your Holy Spirit On Your servant now, we pray;
Let him prove a faithful shepherd That no lamb be lead astray
Your pure teaching to proclaim, To extol Your holy name,
And to feed Your lambs, dear Savior, Make his aim and sole endeavor.
You, O Lord, Yourself have called him
For Your precious lambs to care; But to prosper in his calling,
He the Spirit’s gifts must share. Give him wisdom from above,
Fill his heart with holy love; In his weakness, Lord, be near him,
In his prayers, Good Shepherd, hear him.
Help, Lord Jesus, help him nourish All our children with Your Word
That in fervent love they serve You Till in heav’n their son is heard.
Boundless blessings, Lord, bestow On his faithful toil below
Till by grace to him be given His reward, the crown of heaven.
(LSB 681)
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