20 Feb March 13th Daily Devotion
2 Thessalonians 3:5 “May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance.”
There are as many places to obtain help in how to live your life as there are websites on your computer. Many, many individuals have created a business of “giving advice.” When it comes to how to put something together, repair something broken or obtain directions for a trip, You Tube and other similar sites are very helpful.
However, when what you need is direction for your heart, even though there are many sites that attempt to give you direction, unless they are Bible based, they will be lacking. Psychologists, professional counselors, and therapists have their place and can assist you deal with your mental health issues. Unless, however, they help you to recognize that the root cause of your having lost your way is sin and they direct you to Jesus, to the only one who has overcome the sin that is infecting you, they cannot totally heal your heart.
You, as is true of all sinners, are in need of God’s love and Jesus’ patience. Because of God’s love He through His Word and the Spirit’s guidance will correct you when you err or are going in the wrong direction. He does this by leading you to see your sin, to confess and repent of it and receive from Him through His Son His forgiveness.
Jesus never gives up on you. Think of how patient He was with Peter in the Garden, in Pilate’s courtyard and even after His resurrection. He patiently ministered to Peter’s heart and led Peter to confess, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” (Matthew 16:16)
Remember, your heavenly Father “ . . . has rescued (you) from the dominion of darkness and brought (you) into the kingdom of the Son He loves, in whom (you) have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” (Colossians 1:13-14) You are a “ . . . (heir) of God and (co-heir) with Christ, if indeed (you) share in His sufferings in order that (you) may also share in His glory.” (Romans 8:17)
Prayer: “May the Lord direct your heart into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance.” Amen.
Draw us to Thee, For then shall we Walk in Thy steps forever
And hasten on Where Thou art gone To be with Thee, dear Savior.
Draw us to thee, Lord, lovingly; Let us depart with gladness
That we may be Forever free From sorrow, grief, and sadness.
Draw us to Thee; O grant that we May walk the road to heaven!
Direct our way Lest we should stray And from Thy paths be driven.
Draw us to Thee That also we Thy heav’nly bliss inherit
And ever dwell Where sin and hell No more can vex our spirit.
Draw us to Thee Unceasingly, Into Thy kingdom take us;
Let us fore’er Thy glory share, Thy saints and join heirs make us.
(LSB 701)
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