The Altar Flower Committee provides opportunity for the entire congregation to participate in providing the lovely flowers that enhance our worship setting. Special additional flowers are provided during the seasons of Easter and Christmas.
The Altar Guild cares for the altar coverings and prepares the communion service. This team of dedicated ladies (and helpful husbands) is an intricate cog in the wheel of worship life at Crown of Life.
Coffee Hour, hosted by a variety of Boards, Committees and individuals, is fellowship time on Sunday morning between services and is an excellent time to, not only refresh with a pastry and fresh cup of coffee, but also to socialize and meet new friends.
Guests frequently tell us how warm and friendly they find the Crown of Life congregation. Truthfully, we work at it! We want our guests to know how honored we are to have them. Teams of Greeters are organized and trained to stand at the doors and, with a big smile and hearty “hello!” welcome both members and guests alike.
We have no “visitors” at Crown of Life, only Guests who are treated with dignity and respect. They are our “V.I.P.’s” who honor us by joining for worship. Each week a Guest Book attendant greets them and invites them to sign the guest register. Upon doing so they receive a “Guest Tag” to wear (a signal to all to greet them) and a “Thank You for coming” gift.
Our well-organized teams of Ushers take turns doing a stellar job of making us all feel welcome at our Worship services.