20 Jan February 21st Daily Devotion
2 Thessalonians 1:1-2 “Paul, Silas and Timothy, To the church of the Thessalonians in God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ: Grace and peace to you from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.”
Repetition can be a good thing. Oh, I know, when you hear or read something that you already know you are prone to say, why should I read or hear that again.
When I taught confirmation classes to the children of my parish, they often said exactly those words. This was especially true when I assigned memory work for every class period. Why do I have to memorize that when if I want to know what to know what the commandments, the creed, etc., says, I can simply look it up.
For those of you who have lived more than a few decades, if your pastor required you to memorize parts of the Catechism, Bible passages, and perhaps even hymns, even though at the time you complained or questioned the necessity, how many times has something you memorized popped into your mind because of what you were currently experiencing in your life? You know you do not always have your Bible with you and your catechism is somewhere but you are not sure where. At the very moment you need to remember a specific Bible passage or quote from the catechism, if you memorized the words you need, they will be there for you.
St. Paul wrote this second letter to the church at Thessalonica, a letter in which he goes over the same topics as he wrote to them about in his first letter. He especially reviewed with them the answers to their questions regarding Christ’s second coming.
I pray with daily devotions on the second letter, the repetition will be good for you, especially in regard to giving you a good understanding of Christ’s second coming and provide you with the assurance of the eternal life Christ earned and won for you by His life, death, and resurrection.
Prayer: Holy Spirit bless me through the words You inspired St. Paul to write to the church at Thessalonica in this, his second letter. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Creator Spirit, by whose aid The world’s foundations first were laid
Come, visit ev’ry humble mind; Come, pour Your joys on humankind;
From sin and sorrows set us free; May we Your living temples be.
O Source of uncreated light, The bearer of God’s gracious might,
Thrice holy fount, thrice holy fire,
Our hearts with heav’nly love inspire;
Your sacred, healing message bring To sanctify us as we sing.
Giver of grace, descend from high; Your sev’nfold gifts to us supply;
Help us eternal truths receive And practice all that we believe;
Give us Yourself that we may see The glory of the Trinity.
Immortal honor, endless fame Attend the Almighty Father’s name;
The Savior Son be glorified, Who for all humankind has died;
To You, O Paraclete, we raise Unending songs of thanks and praise.
(LSB 500)
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