20 Jan February 3rd Daily Devotion
1 Thessalonians 4:17-18 “ . . . And so we will be with the Lord forever. Therefore encourage one another with these words.”
Forever is a long time, isn’t it? Everything we know here on earth is finite, that is, has a beginning and will have an end. It is therefore hard to grasp the message of today’s devotional verses. “. . . we will be with the Lord forever.”
Forever! Never ending! In perpetuity! Eternally! Never ending! Hopefully, these words and phrases help you to envision today’s devotional message. While here on earth many things that you have hoped would last a long, long time and often have not, Jesus’ promises you a life that will never end. One He promised the thief on the cross, a life with Him in paradise.
Poets and hymn writers have tried to capture this place to which Jesus has promised to take you with such words and phrases as “Jerusalem the Golden,” “the promised land,” “Zion,” “my happy home,” “city fair and high,” and “eternal life.” There simply are not enough adjectives, descriptive phrases, or words in the dictionary to describe what it will be like to be with the Lord.
This is for sure! To be with Jesus, according to the vision given to John, recorded in Revelation 21:3-4 God will dwell among all who are there and “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” Sin, Satan, Death will be no more. Neither will there be sickness, disappointment, and heartache. There will be no broken promises, lying or half-truths. All bad that has been part of this earth’s existence since the sin of Adam and Eve will be no more. All will be perfect as was the world when God first created it.
Prayer: Lord, I look forward to the time when I will finally be with you and all the saints for all eternity. Keep me in the true faith, trusting in You until that day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Jerusalem, O city fair and high, Your tow’rs I yearn to see;
My longing heart to you would gladly fly, It will not stay with me.
Elijah’s chariot take me Above the lower skies,
To heaven’s bliss awake me, Released from earthly ties.
O happy day, O yet far happier hour; When will you come at last,
When by my gracious Father’s love and pow’r I see that portal vast?
From heaven’s shining regions To greet me gladly come
Your blessed angel legions To bid me welcome home.
The patriarchs’ and prophets’ noble train,
With all Christ’s foll’wers true,
Who washed their robes and cleansed sin’s guilty stain,
Sing praises ever new! I see them shine forever,
Resplendent as the sun, In light diminished never,
Their glorious freedom won.
Unnumbered choirs before the shining throne
Their joyful anthems raise Till heaven’s arches echo with the tone
Of that great hymn of praise. And all its host rejoices,
And all its blessed throng Unite their myriad voices
In one eternal song.
(LSB 674)
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