March 29th Daily Devotion

March 29th Daily Devotion





2 Peter 2:3 “In their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping.”


American’s love to be entertained.  Combinations of elaborate staging,  complex lighting, well thought out orchestration, costuming and the like create productions that play to the senses of the audience.  Included is the telling of stories, many fictitious, that captivate the attention of the hearers.


“Fabricated stories.”  There are televangelists that minister in front of live streaming cameras and live audiences that number twenty, twenty-five, thirty thousand and more.  They have carefully scripted narratives that address the common needs of those in front of them.  Combined with the staging, lighting, music, costumes they present a message offering solutions to human problems, uplifting emotions, and/or creating excitement to face the next day.  Yes, even in the church world there is “fabrication.”


There is only one story that meets the true need of sinful humanity.  It is the story of God’s unconditional love.  It is the narrative of God sending Jesus into the world to conquer the sin with which Satan tempts human beings.  It is the only message that is always true, never fabricated, always anchored in Christ Jesus.


The only message that offers you true and lasting help and hope is found in God’s Word.  It doesn’t need staging, orchestration, costuming, and the like.  It needs to be clearly spoken, heard by sinners, empowered by the Holy Spirit to work faith in the those who receive it to believe in Jesus as their personal Savior and Lord.


Those who speak the message of the gospel speak it not to exploit but for the salvation of sinners.  This message does not destroy but uplifts, points its hearers to Jesus and His shed blood that washes away their sins.  This message is not hype but one of hope.  “On Christ the solid rock you stand.  All other ground is sinking sand.”


Prayer:  Open my ears, Holy Spirit, to the only message that has the power to save me from condemnation of my sins and offers me an eternal life in heaven through faith in Jesus Christ, God’s Son, my Lord and Savior.  Amen.


Seek where you may To find a way That leads to your salvation.

My heart is stilled, On Christ I build.  He is the one foundation.

His Word is sure, His works endure; He overthrows All evil foes;

Through Him I more than conquer.


Seek whom you may to be your stay, None can redeem his brother.

All helpers failed; This man prevailed, The God-man and none other,

Our Servant-King Of whom we sing, We’re justified Because he died,

The guilty being guiltless.


Seek Him alone Who did atone, Who did your souls deliver.

O seek Him first, All you who thirst For grace that fails you never.

In ev’ry need Seek Him indeed; To ev’ry heart He will impart

His blessings without measure.


My heart’s delight, My crown most bright, O Christ, my joy forever.

Not wealth nor pride Nor fortune’s tide

Our bonds of love shall sever. You are my Lord; Your precious Word

Shall guide my way And help me stay Forever in Your presence.

(LSB 557)





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