March 4th Daily Devotion

March 4th Daily Devotion




2 Thessalonians 2:8 “. . . the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming.“


The lawless one is at work in the world every day.  His work, although not always as clearly evident as one would think, is nevertheless becoming more and more evident.  As his lawlessness spreads and the world is affected with many bad outcomes and tries to put down what it does with laws, rules, and regulations, all that is done is ineffective.


There is only one way to deal with the lawless one.  Today’s devotional verse says that the Lord Jesus must overthrow him.  And, it tells how Jesus will do this.  He will overthrow the lawless one with the “breath of His mouth.”


The breath of Jesus’ mouth is His Almighty Word.  His law will point out the sins that the lawless one promotes, encourages, and inserts into the cultures of the world.  Jesus’ law will become like a barrier through which the lawless one will be unable to penetrate.  It will stop his advancement.


Once Jesus’ law has done its work Jesus will bring the full force of the Gospel to bear upon the lawless one and all the sins he produces in the hearts and lives of humanity.  The gospel is God’s power given by Him to save humanity from the lawless one’s bondage.  The gospel set people free from the control of Satan, the world, and their sinful flesh.  By the power of Jesus’ word lawlessness will be overcome.


Only the truth of the gospel will overpower the lies and deception of the words of the lawless one.  And, the Holy Spirit accompanying the gospel, will do His work to convert sinners into saints.  As Luther wrote in his hymn “A Mighty Fortress,” one little (gospel) word will fell him.  Luther had in mind the lawless one with this phrase.


Through Christ Jesus you will overcome the lawless one!


Prayer:  Create in me, O Lord, a clean heart and a right spirit. (See Psalm 51)


Christ, the Lord of hosts, unshaken By the devil’s seething rage,

Thwarts the plan of Satan’s minions;

Wins the strife from age to age; Conquers sin and death forever;

Slams them in their steely cage.


Michael fought the heav’nly battle, Godly angels by his side;

Warred against the ancient serpent, Filed the beast, so full of pride

Cast him earth-bound with his angels; Now he prowls, unsatisfied.


Long on earth the battle rages, Since the serpent’s first deceit;

Twisted God’s command to Adam,

Made forbidden fruit look sweet.

Then the curse of God was spoken:

“You’ll lie crushed beneath His feet!”


Jesus came, this word fulfilling, Trampled Satan, death defied;

Bore the brunt of our temptation, On the wretched tree He died.

Yet to life was raised victorious; By His life our life supplied.


Swift as lightening falls the tyrant From his heav’nly perch on high,

As the word of Jesus’ vict’ry Floods the earth and fills the sky.

Wounded by a wound eternal Now his judgment has drawn nigh!


Jesus, send Your angel legions When the foe would us enslave

Hold us fast when sin assaults us;

Come, then, Lord, Your people save.

Overthrow at last the dragon; Send him to his fiery grave.

(LSB 521)





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