August 18 Daily Devotional

August 18 Daily Devotional





Colossians 2:4-5 “I tell you this so that no one may deceive you by fine-sounding arguments. For though I am absent from you in body, I am present with you in spirit and delight to see how disciplined you are and how firm your faith in Christ is.”

Every so often you learn about someone who purchases a painting at a flea market for a couple of bucks simply because they like it.  They hang it on the wall of their home and enjoy their purchase.  Sometime thereafter, usually by accident, or perhaps on Antique’s Road Show an art expert tells them they have a painting by a famous artist that is worth thousands of dollars and perhaps even hundreds of thousands.

Yesterday’s devotion pointed out to you through the first three verses of Colossians 3 your faith in Jesus is a priceless treasure. Today’s devotional verses continue this message.  St. Paul urges you, possessing as you do this precious treasure, that you remember everyday Jesus is your Lord and Savior, Good Shepherd, and Friend.  Do not, he says, listen to those in the world who use fine sounding arguments to discredit Jesus and work diligently to disprove the message of the gospel.

In the last words of today’s verses from Colossians 2 Paul expresses his great joy in knowing that the Colossian Christians have not succumbed to the false teachers who have come into their midst.  They have done so through a disciplined daily life anchored in the Word of God and dependent upon the power of the gospel to keep them in the true faith in Jesus.  This Holy Spirit through the Word of God, the gospel, and the sacraments has kept their faith in Jesus strong and secure.

You also are kept in the true faith rather than listen to and believe the false teachers who exist in the world today.  Martin Luther reminds you that it is the Holy Spirit who “calls you by the gospel, enlightens you with His gifts, sanctifies (makes you holy), and keeps you in the true faith to life everlasting.” (Small Catechism, explanation to the third article of the Apostle’s creed)  God grant you His Spirit to do this work in you.

Prayer:  Holy Spirit, keep me in the true faith to life everlasting.  Amen.


Holy Spirit, light divine, Shine upon this heart of mine;

Chase the shades of night away, Turn the darkness into day.


Let me see my Savior’s face, Let me all His beauties trace;

Show those glorious truths to me Which are only known to Thee.


Holy Spirit, pow’r divine, Cleanse this guilty heart of mine;

In Thy mercy pity me, From sins’ bondage set me free.


Holy Spirit, joy divine, Cheer this saddened heart of mine;

Yield a sacred, settled peace, Let it grow and still increase.


Holy Spirit, all divine, Dwell within this heart of mine;

Cast down ev’ry idol throne, Reign supreme, and reign alone.

(LSB 490)





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