28 Jul August 26 Daily Devotional
Colossians 2:18-19 “Do not let anyone who delights in false humility and the worship of angels disqualify you. Such a person also goes into great detail about what they have seen; they are puffed up with idle notions by their unspiritual mind. They have lost connection with the head, from whom the whole body, supported and held together by its ligaments and sinews, grows as God causes it to grow.”
The Greek verb found in verse 18 of today’s devotional verse is a compound formed from a verb that referred to a judge or umpire in an athletic contest. The prefix to this verb gives it a negative connotation of God’s judgment such as what a judge or umpire must render. (Deterding, Commentary on Colossians) False teachers had come into the congregation at Colossae offering escape from God’s judgment based upon the people receiving special revelations from God and following special rites, rituals, and regulations.
It appears personal humbleness was one of the requirements to avoid God’s judgement. St. Paul urged the Colossians not to let anyone convince them it was necessary to be properly humble and do all prescribed religious rites and observances otherwise they would negatively be judged by God. Dietary regulations, abusing their bodies to elicit God’s favor and strictly following a religious calendar does not save. Salvation is only through Jesus Christ. (Acts 4:12)
The application of these verses to your faith journey is not how religious you are, how faithfully you follow the practices (rites and rituals) of your faith community that determine your salvation. Your salvation is by God’s grace, through His gift of faith in His Son Jesus which comes to you by the power of the Holy Spirit through God’s Word and the Sacraments. It is not how “religious” you are; it is your faith relationship with Jesus alone through which you grow stronger and more secure and assured that your sins are forgiven and your place in heaven is waiting for you.
Prayer: Keep me anchored, Holy Spirit, through faith in Christ Jesus to Him who alone my salvation. Amen.
I trust, O Lord, Your holy name; O let me not be put to shame
Nor let me be confounded. My faith, O Lord, Be in Your Word
Forever firmly grounded.
Bow down Your gracious ear to me And hear my cry, my prayer, my plea;
Make haste for my protection. For woes and fear Surround me here.
Help me in my affliction.
You are my strength, my shield, my rock,
My fortress that withstands each shock, My help, my life, my tower.
My battle sword, Almighty Lord— Who can resist Your power?
With You, O Lord, I cast my lot; O faithful God, for sake me not,
To You my soul commending. Lord, be my stay, And lead the way
Now and when life is ending.
All honor, praise, and majesty To Father, Son, and Spirit be,
Our God forever glorious. In whose rich grace We run our race
Till we depart victorious.
(LSB 734)
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