21 Nov December 3rd Daily Devotion
Philippians 1:7 “It is right for me to feel this way about all of you, since I have you in my heart and, whether I am in chains or defending and confirming the gospel, all of you share in God’s grace with me.”
Only five letters make up the word Grace. One way of understanding the word grace is through each of these letters: 1) “G” – God’s 2) “R” – Riches 3) “A” – at 4) “C” – Christ’s 5) “E” – Expense . . . Grace is God’s riches at Christ’s expense. Or, as you know this word’s definition better, God’s grace is His undeserved love.
The relationship between Paul and the Christians in Philippi was cemented by God’s love for both entities. Certainly, Paul had been overwhelmed by God’s grace on the road to Damascus and the people of Philippi through Paul’s preaching the gospel to them through which the Holy Spirit opened up their hearts to God’s riches given them through Jesus Christ.
Sharing God’s grace prompted the believers in Philippi to support Paul during his time of imprisonment. They partnered with him in defending the gospel. They joined him in spreading the gospel. And they participated with Paul in his suffering.
God, as He did Paul and the Philippians, fills your heart and life with His grace. His grace is faith strengthening in you, especially for those times when you are under attack for what you believe. His grace motivates you to spread the gospel even when doing so can bring adversity to you personally.
The grace of God you and your fellow Christians share shapes and molds you into oneness with one another. You and your fellow believers stand together, united in your faith in Jesus Christ to support one another, pray for each other, encourage those who are weak and become a blessing to those who are struggling in their faith.
God’s undeserved love (Grace) fills your heart so that you in turn can love others. It is by this love that you serve fellow Christians. (Galatians 5:13) The Bible says, “We love because he first loved us . . . And He has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister.” (1 John 4:19,21)
Prayer: Lord, fill my heart with Your grace that I in turn draw from it love for my brother and sister. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Love in Christ is strong and living, Binding faithful hearts in one;
Love in Christ is true and giving, May His will in us be done.
Love is patient and forbearing, Clothed in Christ’s humility,
Gentle, selfless, kind, and caring, Reaching out in charity.
Love in Christ abides forever, Fainting not when ills attend;
Love, forgiving and forgiven, Shall endure until life’s end.
(LSB 706)
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