21 Nov December 9th Daily Devotion
Philippians 1:22-24 “If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body.”
As you have been reading in these devotions based upon Paul’s letter to the Philippians, his earthly life is under duress. He is in prison, not knowing whether he will be put to death because of his preaching the gospel or because he is a Roman citizen released from prison after a proper trial in a court of law. Today’s devotional verses capture the daily struggle he went through between his earthly life continuing and his leaving this world to go to be in paradise with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
If you have not lived under this same tension St. Paul describes, at some point in your life you most likely will. There simply are times in life when the struggles and challenges that are faced are so great that as a Christian you pray Lord, I’m ready to come home to be with you. Certainly, being with Him is far better than anything you will experience in your worldly sojourn.
Eternal life with Jesus is your ultimate goal. Nevertheless, as yesterday’s devotional verse said, while you are here on earth you live your life for Him. Yes, you will gain far more when you finally do leave this world to go be with the Lord. In the meantime, as long as He leaves you here on earth, He has work for you to do here. Ephesians 2:10 says you are “God’s handiwork.” He has placed you here on earth to do good works. This is why Jesus taught in His sermon on the mount, “. . . let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)
Yes, it will be better when the Lord takes you from this world to Himself, but in the meantime, He wants you to remain here as His witness, to spread the Good News of His love in Christ Jesus, to love others as He has loved you, all to His glory and honor.
Prayer: Lord, You know when the time will be right for me to leave this world to join You and all the saints in heaven. In the meantime, bless me with faith to love you and my neighbor to Your glory and honor. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
In God, my faithful God, I trust when dark my road;
Great woes may over take me, yet He will not forsake me.
My troubles He can alter; His hand lets nothing falter.
My sins fill me with care, Yet I will not despair.
I build on Christ, who loves me; From this rock nothing moves me;
To Him I will surrender, To Him, my soul’s defender.
If death my portion be, It brings great gain to me;
It speeds my life’s endeavor To live with Christ forever.
He gives me joy in sorrow, Come death now or tomorrow.
O Jesus Christ, my Lord, So meek in deed and word,
You suffered death to save us Because Your love would have us
Be heirs of heav’nly gladness When ends this life of sadness.
“So be it,” then, I say With all my heart each day.
Dear Lord, we all adore You, We sing for joy before You.
Guide us while here we wander Until we praise You yonder.
(LSB 745)
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