June 9 – Daily Devotional

June 9 – Daily Devotional




Hebrews 10:19-22 “Therefore, brothers and sisters, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.”

The next several devotions will focus upon verses 19-22 of Hebrews chapter 10 . . .

The writer begins with the word “therefore,” which can also be translated consequently, for this reason, because of.”  He is tying what he is about to write with what he has previously written, namely Jesus is a perfect sacrifice for your sins.  No further sacrifices are needed for you to receive Yahweh’s forgiveness.

Therefore, since, because Jesus has offered His once and for all sacrifice and His Father has accepted it as complete payment for your sins, you can with complete confidence enter into Yahweh’s presence.  There are no longer any barriers.  The path is prepared.  The Holy Spirit has set you on that path through the gift He has given you of faith in Jesus.  It is by means of, through the shed blood of Jesus, you now have access to Yahweh.

This message is for you through the Holy Spirit inspired pen of the writer to the Hebrews especially for those times when your sins weigh heavily down upon you.  The Holy Spirit works through these words to assure you that no sin you have committed is so great your Heavenly Father will no longer love you.  This passage is your Holy Father Yahweh standing with outstretched, inviting arms accepting you His prodigal son or daughter into His family.  He is instructing that His servants will clothe you with new garments, feed you with the finest of foods and provide you with the best of His wine.  (see Luke 15:11-32)

Prayer:  Father, I come to You through Jesus to live with You in Your kingdom forever.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.


I know my faith is founded On Jesus Christ, my God and Lord;

And this my faith confessing, Unmoved I stand on His sure word

Our reason cannot fathom The truth of God profound;

Who trusts in human wisdom Relies on shifting ground

God’s Word is all-sufficient, It makes divinely sure;

And trusting in its wisdom, My faith shall rest secure.


Increase my faith, dear Savior, For Satan seeks by night and day

To rob me of this treasure And take my hope of bliss away.

But, Lord, with You beside me, I shall be undismayed;

And led by Your good Spirit, I shall be unafraid.

Abide with me, O Savior, A firmer faith bestow;

Then I shall bid defiance To ev’ry evil foe.


In faith, Lord, let me serve You; Though persecution, grief, and pain

Should seek to overwhelm me, Let me a steadfast trust retain;

And then at my departure, Lord, take me home to You,

Your richest to inherit As all You said holds true.

In life and death, Lord, keep me Until Your heav’n I gain,

Where I by Your great mercy The end of faith attain.

(LSB 587)

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