20 Feb March 15th Daily Devotion
2 Thessalonians 3:13 “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.”
In 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13, St. Paul addresses the problem of “idleness” and members refusing to work. Yesterday’s devotion centered around his opening comments and today’s are his concluding words.
Christians are to provide aid and relief to those who are unable to work due to illness, injury, or lack of work. (1 John 3:17-18 “If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.”) There were members of the Thessalonian congregation taking advantage of the Christian care and concern of their fellow believers. The Greek word for idle used by St. Paul means, “refusing to work—‘idle, lazy. . .”(Louw-Nida Greek to English Lexicon)
St. Paul leaves no question as to how the church was to deal with those who “refused to work” and/or were lazy and idle, He told the church, “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.” (2 Thessalonians 3:10) In some ways this is a difficult teaching because it is hard to see someone without food and not help them. This is especially true if they are your own flesh and blood. Nevertheless, refusing to work and laziness is a sin.
God created human beings to “till the ground” and “harvest the produce.” He promises to provide all that is needed to support body and life, but he does it through work. To refuse to work or laziness is a sin against God. The goal of St. Paul’s words in dealing with the lazy and those refusing to work is that they recognize their sin, repent, receive God’s forgiveness through Jesus. This is what he encourages the church at Thessalonica to do. This is guidance for today’s church as well.
Prayer: Lord, bless me to care for my brothers and sisters, especially when they sin. Use me to minister to them with Your word. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Gracious God, You send great blessings
New each morning all our days.
For Your mercies never ending,
For Your love we offer praise. Refrain:
Lord, we pray that we, Your people
Who Your gifts unnumbered claim
Through the sharing of Your blessings
May bring glory to Your name.
By Your Word You formed creation
Filled with creatures large and small;
As we tend that endless treasure
May our care encircle all. Refrain:
In His earthly life, our Savior
Knew the care of faithful friends;
May our deeds of dedication
Offer love that never ends. Refrain:
Heav’nly Father, may our caring
Bear the imprint of Your grace;
With the Son and Holy Spirit,
Praise be Yours in ev’ry place! Refrain:
(LSB 782)
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