20 Feb March 30th Daily Devotion
2 Peter 2:9 “ . . . the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and to hold the unrighteous for punishment on the day of judgment.” (Read 2 Peter 2:4-10)
Recently, it was reported that three men, who were convicted of murder over 25 years ago, had been exonerated. At the time of their trial no murder weapon had been found and there was virtually no evidence to prove they had committed the crime. However, a prosecutor prosecuted them and a jury found them guilty. Now, a judge has ordered them freed from prison and their conviction records expunged.
Human laws and their enforcement are not perfect. The just are sometimes declared guilty and the guilty are sometimes found not guilty by their peers. Not so with God. God perfectly knows the heart and life of every person on earth. “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” (Galatians 6:7) God’s law is perfect. His use of His law is perfect. He makes no mistakes.
Peter, in 2 Peter 2:4-9 lists a number of instances when God the judge exercised His perfect judgment sending the flood that brought about the death of all inhabitants of the earth save Noah and his family; destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah but saved Lot and his daughters. (Even Lot’s wife died because she disobeyed God.)
“ . . . the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and to hold the unrighteous for punishment on the day of judgment.” (2 Peter 2:9) You, by God’s grace, even though you sin, God declares just, holy, without sin for Jesus’ sake. Jesus’ blood has cleansed you of all your sins. God sent Jesus into the world knowing how to rescue sinners from hell as He rescued Lot and his daughters from Sodom and Gomorrah.
On the last day, believing in Jesus as your personal Savior, you have nothing to fear in regard to standing before Jesus, your Judge. You will be found “not guilty.” God exercised His plan of salvation through His Son for you and all who like you have faith in Jesus. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. (Isaiah 1:18)
Prayer: Jesus, Savior, wash away all the sins I have done this day and keep me in Your loving care until I’m safely home with You in Heaven. In Your name. Amen.
Jesus sinners doth receive; Oh, may all this saying ponder
Who in sin’s delusions live And from God and heaven wander!
Here is hope for all who grieve: Jesus sinners doth receive.
We deserve but grief and shame, Yet His words, rich grace revealing.
Pardon, peace, and life proclaim; Here our ills have perfect healing.
Firmly in these words believe: Jesus sinners doth receive.
Sheep that from the fold did stray No true shepherd e’er forsaketh;
Weary souls that lost their way Christ, the Shepherd, gently taketh
In His arms that they may live: Jesus sinners doth receive.
I, a sinner, come to Thee With a penitent confession.
Savior, mercy show to me; Grant for all my sins remission.
Let these words my soul relieve: Jesus sinners doth receive.
Oh, how blest it is to know: Were as scarlet my transgression,
It shall be as white as snow By Thy blood and bitter passion;
For these words I now believe; Jesus sinners doth receive.
Now my conscience is at peace; From the Law I stand acquitted;
Christ hath purchased my release And my ev’ry sin remitted.
Naught remains my soul to grieve: Jesus sinners doth receive.
Jesus sinners doth receive; Also I have been forgiven;
And when I this earth must leave, I shall find an open heaven.
Dying, still to Him I cleave: Jesus sinners doth receive.
(LSB 609)
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