October 8th Daily Devotion

October 8th Daily Devotion




2 Corinthians 2:14-16 “But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of Him everywhere. For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are an aroma that brings death; to the other, an aroma that brings life. And who is equal to such a task?”

Walking into the house from the garage, the aroma of a fresh baked treat caught my attention immediately.  It immediately caused my mouth to water and my stomach to let me know it was ready to receive the tasty food my dear wife had baked while I was gone.  All this happened simply through the sensory cells in my nose picking up the pleasant aroma created by her baked desert.

Until reading today’s devotional verse you may not have thought about the fact that you give off an aroma.  I’m not referring to body odor, but to the witness of your faith you give to those around you.  You don’t have to say a word to tell people you are filled with the love of Jesus.  Your eyes, expressions, and inviting smile invite people to want to learn more about what it is that makes you who you are.

St. Paul’s words today remind you that God is using you to spread the aroma of Him everywhere.  Words you speak, the tone of voice with which speak them, the places you go, and those with whom you associate speak volumes to those around you.

You spread the aroma of Him as you take a meal to you ill neighbor.  You reflect His love as you take food or money to the food bank all in the name of Jesus.  Your encouraging words to your friend in distress.  Offering to pray for someone in need of God’s help.  There are countless ways you spread the aroma of Him who has loved you and also loves them.

Prayer:  Holy Spirit fill me with the gospel message and help me to be the aroma of Him who has loved me and all people in and through Christ Jesus.  In His name.  Amen.


Sermon in shoes is a children’s song.  The words to it capture the message of St. Paul’s words here in 2 Corinthians 2:


“Do you know, O Christian, you’re a sermon in shoes?

Do you know, O Christian, you’re a sermon in shoes?

Jesus counts upon you to spread the gospel news,

  1. So walk it and talk it, a sermon in shoes.
  2. So live it and give it, a sermon in shoes.
  3. So teach it and preach it, a sermon in shoes.
  4. So know it and show it, a sermon in shoes.

CCLI Printed words used with permission under CCLI#1600874.





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