September 14 Daily Devotional

September 14 Daily Devotional





Colossians 3:21 “Fathers, do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged.”


According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2020 24.7 million children (33%) in the United States live in fatherless homes. This statistic has increased by 25% since 1960. Divorce, separation, incarceration, abandonment, death, and pregnancy outside of marriage contribute to this statistic.  According to Colin Tan (June 27, 2023) the absence of fathers negatively affects children:

  • 5% of children with absent fathers get involved in crime.
  • 70% of children in fatherless homes have dropped out of high school.
  • Children living in fatherless homes are 4 times more apt to live in poverty.
  • Girls raised in fatherless homes are 8 times more apt to become a teenage mother.
  • 85% of all children living without a father experience behavioral disorder.
  • Teenagers with positive and nurturing fathers are 80% less apt to go to prison.

According to a demographic study by Veera Korhonen, published February, 2024, 38% of men, aged 18-29 claimed no church affiliation and 26% of men aged 30-49 were unaffiliated.  Church attendance among Americans is down and fewer Americans say religion is important. (PPRI Study)

With biological fathers of children not taking an active role in the raising of their children and even of those who are having no spiritual foundation upon which to apply to the raising of their children, is it a wonder the statistics quoted above are what they are?

Whereas God in His Holy Word (Colossians 3:21, Ephesians 6:4-5 and Proverbs 22:6) places the responsibility upon fathers to teach, instruct, train, etc., their children, fewer and fewer are doing so.  First then, those of you who are grandparents can strongly encourage and assist your children  in the raising of your grandchildren.  Second, those of you who are parents, especially fathers, note from the statistics and God’s word the important role you have in shaping and forming your children with Christian beliefs and values that they learn of the “right path” to follow. 


Prayer:  Lord, help all of us to be a “light unto the world” reflecting your instruction upon the culture in which we live.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Let children hear the mighty deeds Which God performed of old,

Which in our younger days we saw, And which our parents told.  


So make to them His glories known, His works of pow’r and grace;

And we’ll convey His wonders down Through ev’ry rising race.


Our sons and daughters we shall tell And they again to theirs

That generations yet unborn May teach them to their heirs.


O teach them with all diligence The truths of God’s own Word,

To place in Him their confidence, To fear and trust their Lord,


To learn that in our God alone Their hope securely stands,

That they may never doubt His love But walk in His commands.

(LSB 867)





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