31 May June 22 – Daily Devotional
Hebrews 11:7 “By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family. By his faith he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness that is in keeping with faith.”
“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. . .” (Hebrews 11:1) God warned Noah about things that had not yet happened. God told Noah to build an ark, a huge ship in a place where there was no body of water large enough for it to float. It would house the living things of the world. Noah never doubted God’s instructions. He faithfully worked day after day and year after year to carry out God’s instructions.
“By his faith (Noah) condemned the world . . . “ As God’s prophet to the world he delivered God’s law to show the world its sin and need to repent. In spite of deaf ears to his message he faithfully delivered it. He obeyed Yahweh! He refused to participate in the sins of his worldly neighbors.
Noah exemplified what it means to “walk by faith and not by sight.” Imagine building a ship larger than anyone had ever seen in their lives, on dry ground with no water remotely close by to float it. The people of the world must have ridiculed and made fun of him mercilessly. He had to be the laughing stock of the world. But he faithfully continued to build the ark as God instructed.
When the rains began, the water gushed up from the bowels of the earth, along with his family Noah took the living things of the earth into the ark and shut the door continuing to trust Yahweh’s instructions and promises. Such was his faith.
Faith trusts without seeing, believes without concrete facts, goes forward without knowing for sure what lies ahead and is certain that God will be faithful in keeping His promises. And, God does just that! He keeps His promises. In Noah’s case, by means of the ark Noah’s family and his own life were spared. The water that took the lives of the world’s population saved Noah and his family.
God has provided you with water to save your life also. Through three handfuls of water poured over your head, Satan, the sinful world, and your Old Adam were drowned and died. Daily now, through that same water, the Holy Spirit continues to drown the evil ones who would separate you from God. He brings into your heart and life the new life you first received at your baptism. God is faithful! Through His Son Jesus, He saves you from eternal death and grants you eternal life.
Prayer: Bless me again this day, O Lord, through the power of my baptism, with a life that will never end. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
All Christians who have been baptized, Who know the God of heaven,
And in whose daily life is prized The name of Christ once given;
Consider now what God has done, The gifts He gives to ev’ryone
Baptized into Christ Jesus!
You were before your day of birth, Indeed from your conception,
Condemned and lost with all the earth, None good, without exception.
For like your parents’ flesh and blood, Turned inward from the highest good.
You constantly denied Him.
But all of that was washed away— Immersed and drowned forever.
The water of your Baptism day Restored again whatever
Old Adam and his sin destroyed And all our sinful selves employed
According to our nature.
In Baptism we now put on Christ— Our shame is fully covered
With all that He once sacrificed And freely for us suffered.
For here the flood of His own blood Now makes us holy, right and good
Before our heavn’ly Father.
O Christian, firmly hold this gift And give God thanks forever!
It gives the power to uplift In all that you endeavor.
When nothing else revives your soul, Your Baptism stands and makes you whole And then in death completes you.
So use it well! You are made new— In Christ a new creation!
As faithful Christians, live and do Within your own vocation,
Until that day when you possess His glorious robe of righteousness
Bestowed on you forever!
(LSB 596)
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