Sermons and Services

We continue today with are Lenten Series “A Walk Through the 23rd Psalm”.  In verse 3, David writes: “He restoreth my soul”….that’s forgiveness.  Without forgiveness, without our souls’ being restored, we would be spiritually dead, total separated from God. Jesus hung on the Cross at Calvary...

Although not commanded Biblically, the tradition of the imposition of ashes does go back centuries. The early church father Terullian in the third century AD said confession of sin should be accompanied by lying in sackcloth and ashes (On Repentance, ch 9). His examples from...

“Who is Jesus of Nazareth?” and “What does his identity mean to you?” These questions are the main focus of our Gospel Reading for today.  To fully understand who Jesus is we must go back about 4000 years.  Moses and the Israelites had just left Egypt...

Have you thought about today? Today is the only day of its kind. When today has ticked by one moment at a time there won’t be another day exactly like it. Today’s Scripture lessons point out that obvious truth, from Old Testament to Epistle to...