Sermons and Services

Imagine attaching the name Good to a day in which watch a man murdered in that horrific way. The Good we see in this day is not apparent for another few days; on this day we remember the sacrifice of one man, the Anointed One,...

What sort of word is Maundy, anyway? Short for the Latin maundatum, or mandate. It is a day we remember Jesus’ mandate to love, from the 13th chapter of John’s gospel: “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must...

A Triumphal Entry! Hosanna! And then… the hosannas fade. Jesus knew the party would not last. He rode toward His capitol astride the foal of a colt, as Scripture says, as was prophesied so long before. He rode toward His own exodus (Luke 9:51) as appointed by...

Crown of Life Lutheran Church is excited to announce the creation of our YouTube channel and expansion of Sermons and Services to our website! During this time we encourage you to click on the following links to connect with our social profiles: Like our Facebook Page (@colchurchaz) Subscribe...